
OzU Uni – Art Orientation Day Event


Many students realize that every corner of the university is surrounded by artifacts from the moment they arrive on campus, but they have difficulty perceiving these artifacts as a conscious selection of the collection. Furthermore, the fact that students do not have any background related to works of art and the collection causes the works in university collection not to receive the attention and value they deserve.

During the narratives, thanks to the questions and reactions directed at us, we realized that not only new students, but also the students in the university actually do not know about these works at the school and want to learn much more about their details. Thanks to Art Walk, we also saw that when distant works began to be described as a whole, these works began to be perceived differently.

Throughout the narration, the various personal stories of Peer Advisors on the works of art they shared with us also showed us once again how much we need such interactions at school. We have also received very positive feedback from students attending the orientation, even from their parents. Everyone listened intently to the narrative of the works and had the chance to ask what they were curious about.

As a result of ÖzÜ Uni – Art, which we performed the first, we realized that behind these works at the school there are many personal stories*, even beyond technical narratives. Thanks to this event, we had the opportunity to learn many exciting stories and information. The fact that these common stories in our school are coming to light through art once again displayed that our art collection is an important value worth exploring for our university, which adopts the principle of raising researchers and entrepreneurial professionals intertwined with life and art.

We started our work to promote and develop our school's art collection more comprehensively within the scope of Sustainability Platform. We believe that this Art Movement, to be improved with our contributions, will strengthen our corporate culture by creating a new opportunity for sharing among us through art.


Personal Stories

  • We have learned the rumors that ‘Girl in Blue Dress’ by Ercan Akın was called ‘Samara’ by the Faculty of Engineering, even in the evening, Samara walks out of the painting and wanders inside the engineering building and students coming out of class late see this little girl in the building.
  • And we learned that Zekine Kundukan's 'Bicycle' in the Feas building was named by some students as ‘girl whose bike was taken away’ and by some students as ‘girl who threw up on her bike’.​
  • Law students have superstitions that they will be successful in the exam if they cross the road where the 'Jumping Rope' statue is located before taking the exams,
  • The 'Japanese Flag' work in the stairwell of the FEAS building is seen as the evil eye bead of the building and even named as Harry Potter stairs due to the structure of the stairs,
  • We learned that the arguments that the mysterious Glass House, which the students staying in the dormitory still do not know exactly, could actually be a very good 'Secret Night Club', revolved among the students staying in the dormitory.