Let's Refresh Our Campus Memories with OzU Artistic Memory Exchanges!

  Our university's art collection, consisting of 152 works in different media placed across the campus, has been transferred to the digital

Simurg Association | Art x Sustainability Workshop

 Simurg Association was founded in 2016 by 9 young people studying at various universities. The association realized projects such as XYZ Camp

OzU Uni – Art Orientation Day Event

 Many students realize that every corner of the university is surrounded by artifacts from the moment they arrive on campus, but they have

Art in Troubled Times

  Being the power to take action due to its universal intelligibility, art has been used as an important communication tool from the past to

Özyeğin University Art Collection

  Extraordinary Conditions and Art We are always faced with ups and downs in our lives, and there will always be. This extraordinary process