Our university's art collection, consisting of 152 works in different media placed across the campus, has been transferred to the digital platform at https://arts.ozyegin.edu.tr/
To celebrate the launch of ÖzU-Art website, we invite all our stakeholders to a stroll through their campus memories. We look forward to hearing your stories about the works of art in our collection that you have felt a connection with for the first time, that you had a unusual memory with, or that simply intrigued you the most. You may find the details of the works of your choice on our website, and share with us the thoughts and feelings it has evoked in you by filling out this survey and submitting it with your full name. Your contributions will help our collective artistic memory project take wings and expand further. You may also send your original designs of 1920 x 1080 px to surdurulebilirlik@ozyegin.edu.tr by email. Alternatively, you may fill out the form to share your story. We will be more than happy to bring it to life on your behalf. Seeing our stakeholders’ different perceptions and interpretations of the artworks in our collection will be an interesting and entertaining experience for all of us.
Please click here for the Artistic Memory Exchange form.
*Your submissions will be posted on our @ozu_yaklas Instagram page and website.